Outputs: Rotational Fail Alarm, Rev Count & Speed
Solar panel: P102C, 2.2W, 6.5V, Urethane
Batteries: 4x AA R6 1.2V 2000mAh NiMH
Enclosure: 180 x 120 x 90mm, IP68
Weight: 1 kg
Introducing our new Rotational Monitor Telemetry System for Filter Bed Monitoring
The Mega_Link Rotational Monitor Telemetry System can be used to monitor the continuous operation of rotational filter beds typically found in a waste water treatment works. The rotational monitor unit is fitted to and carried by the arm of the rotational waste water filter bed.
It includes an electronic compass to monitor movement within the earth’s magnetic field and it generates and transmits a Rotation Fail alarm if the structure stops rotating.
The rotational monitor unit operates as a Mega_Link outstation and multiple units can monitor an array of filter beds all reporting to a common Mega_Link basestation.
Partner with the leading supplier of radio telemetry systems